The price on this section is the same for all trains whether a fast Fyra train or a regular commuter. The trains connecting Schiphol Airport and Amsterdam stations are regular trains and thus have no Airport Express or similar name. (Keep tickets at all times as a similar tapping is required to exit many stations in Amsterdam!)
Train tickets bought at the vending machine must be validated before travel – tap the OV-chipcard reader before going down to the train platform. See also Save with an Amsterdam Public Transportation Travel Card Ticket Pass for an explanation of the various passes available - the GVB multi-day ticket is only valid inside Amsterdam but it is also the only ticket that is not linked to a calendar day. Both versions as well as the Amsterdam & Region Travel Ticket are available online but vouchers need to be exchanged for paper tickets in Amsterdam. The Amsterdam Travel Ticket (1 to 3 days) covers the journey from the airport but the Amsterdam GVB Multi-Day City Ticket with a separate ticket for transportation to and from the airport often works out better for many travelers as it uses a full 24-hour cycle rather than a calendar day. Transportation passes are a good option too. Travelers to destinations to the south of the canal circle can often save time (and money) by taking the train from Schiphol Airport to Amsterdam Zuid or RAI stations before transferring to trams, buses, or the metro.īuy tickets at the yellow vending machines on the ground floor of the Airport Plaza terminal building. From Amsterdam stations Centraal (central main station), Zuid (south), and RAI (congress and exhibition center), trams and buses provide transportation to all parts of the city.įor travelers heading to central Amsterdam, especially the historic old town area inside the canal section, it is usually best to head to the main train station – Centraal Station. Trains from Schiphol Airport depart from directly underneath the airport terminal building. Trains are generally the recommended way of traveling between Schiphol Airport and downtown Amsterdam.